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SY6801 樣品申請(qǐng)

SY6801 is a highly integrated, high-accuracy battery monitor and protector for 5~16series Li-ion, Li-polymer, and LiFePO4 battery packs.


Battery monitoring capability for 5~16 series cells; support Li-ion, Li-Polymer, and LiFePO4 battery Packs;

Reliable and flexible protection FET driver; Integrated dual-charge pump for high-side NFET driver; Integrated multi-purpose high-side PFET driver, support pre-charge, pre-discharge, and parallel charge path short protection; Support MCU control directly, by register, or by CFETOFF/DFETOFF pin;

Extensive protection suit, including cell voltage, open-wire fault, internal temperature, cell temperature, FET temperature, charging/discharging current, etc;

Support current cascade protection, high-precision ADC-based & quick-response comparator-based; Multiple fault reporting method: traditional ALERTn, or DCHG/DDSG pins; Could be compatible with external low-side NFET driver;  Highly programmable protection strategy, each fault source's protective action and ALERTn could be individually masked; Integrated charger-remove detection and load-remove detection, support autonomous fault recovery;

Two independent delta-sigma ADCs: Low temp-coefficient reference, ±2mV / ±15mV cell voltage measurement accuracy (typical / -20℃~85℃); Independent programmable decimation-ratio for each ADCs; 400us conversation time for 1-cells (typical); High accuracy current measurement ±5LSB; Multi-purpose voltage-ADC, for cell-voltage, temp-sense etc; independent programmable time-interval for each purpose-series, independent programmable decimation-ratio for each purpose-series; Support autonomous measurement and command trigger measurement; Support synchronized voltage and current measurement for individual cell impedance analysis; Human-readable ADC result, 100uV/LSB for voltage-ADC and 8uV/LSB for current ADC;

Up to eight external thermistors, and TS3 could be configured as FET temp sense;

Integrated coulomb counter

Integrated balance timer up to 1000s, support auto cell measure frequency down to get larger balance duty cycle; Integrated internal balance over-temp-protection;

Multiple power mode: Shutdown mode:2uA; Deepsleep mode:10uA; Sleep mode:100uA (function and measure frequency dependent); Normal mode:300uA; (function and measure frequency dependent);

High voltage tolerance of 100V on cell connect and select additional pins;

Dual-programmable LDOs for external system usage;

Support 400KHz I2C or 1MHz SPI communication, integrated programmable watchdog;

Integrated MTP memory for customer use on production line;

48-pin TQFP package

Battery backup unit (BBU)

Other industrial battery pack(>10S)